It is customary to begin the presentation by listing the various diplomas, certifications and professional experience. Perhaps to reassure?!
I choose to start with what led me to redirect my professional choices, once I have been able to identify my life mission. It’s a rather pompous term and yet, essential, vital even dare I say, and not at all reserved for a sort of “enlightened” elite: indeed, whether we like it or not, we all have a mission, something to bring to this earth. This is what makes us think, or feel, that what we are doing makes sense, is right, or simply makes us happy. Often it is what is easy, effortless for us, because that is where we fully deploy our unique talents. And, as I can testify, missing this mission, whatever it may be, can be a source, at best, of dissatisfaction or boredom and, at worst, of real psychic and/or physical suffering.
Once I have completed Masters in Economic Sciences and Political Sciences, I evolved within multinationals as well as SMEs, in several roles in human resources. I learned a lot during these experiences and made some great encounters.
Wanting to always improve my understanding of human behaviour (starting with my own!), I trained as a coach and obtained my Coach ACC certification; I also trained in Prosci change management tools (ADKAR), various personality tools (MBTI, HBDI), team tools (Belbin), skills assessment (360°). I also dared to step up and to become a trainer in leadership skills, in stress management and in communication skills.
Then came a pivotal moment, when I felt that my place was elsewhere. And that’s when hypnosis came my way! I was trained in Ericksonian and in Humanistic hypnosis by Carole Jehan (herself a graduate of IFHE in Paris) in 2021, in Spiritual hypnosis by Teresa Robles, and in Regressive hypnosis by Catherine Roumanoff in 2022.
I am also making my approach more complete by learning energetic healing (Anne Herbiet), thus allowing to heal at all levels: mental, subtile and physical.
The support can be provided in person or online.

Certified Coach ACC (ICF, BAO, 2015)

Certified to the Prosci methodology in Change Management (Nexum, 2017)

Certified DISC and Workplace Motivators (TTI Success Insights, 2014)

Certified MBTI practitioner (OPP, 2007)

Certified in the Belbin role models practitioner (Compétences Plus, 2009)

Certified 360° Voices feedback tool from Korn Ferry practitioner (Success Factors, 2001)

Certified HBDI practitioner (Herman Brain Dominance Instrument, 2019).